Greedfall Companions – An Introduction to the 5 Special Characters of the 3D Game

Greedfall Companions

Greedfall is a game designed for the player to explore uncharted Newlands. He sets foot on an island completely removed from human contact. The island is full of magic and is filled with many riches and lost secrets that the user can explore.

You can engage in Greedfall in a four-role-playing experience to decide to play this game. Also, you will achieve quests and mysteries in many different ways through combat or diplomacy. It will enable you to delve into a mysterious magic world. Here, you can begin a new journey to uncover ancient secrets.

Companions in Greedfall

Greedfall has five companions to select, one of these that you will meet along the way. It is essential to suggest that there are five available companions that you can choose from. You can take them to your quest and continue for more information about every company and that you will choose.

You can check out the guide to Greedfall, which is present online, to see which companions you can romance. Also, you can increase the friendship level for every component by increasing trust and speaking to them occasionally. You can also gain friendship and trust with them by completing the quests that they have.

Dialogues and Choices

Dialogues and choices are also vital features of Greedfall. You will find that many companions have different kinds of exchanges based on their personality and physical attributes. The choices that we make are also based on the personalities that the developers have inquired into them.

It will help you learn more about the dialogues and personality traits of every character in Greedfall. You will encounter them in the video game series. In this case, you can go to the wiki that they have and read more about their personality.

1. Kurt

Kurt - Greedfall

This is the first companion you will meet in the Greedfall series. He shows up in the opening few minutes after the character creation section has ended. Your body card, but you will also share an unspoken bond with him because he can use any weapon needed and get a different special attack for every situation based on the gun you choose to give him. Another thing to note is that he can use any weapon that he wants. So, you will get a special attack for each weapon he chooses.

He will also have access to different insurance portions. He can drink to ensure that he can still swing his sword for you in combat. At the same time, he can still maintain his immunity. Once the user becomes a friend with this character, they will also gain access to his craftsmanship talent. You can use that at workbenches to create items. This talent can be handy if you choose not to focus on your other companions’ craftsmanship but focus on him.

Childhood Experiences

The storyline goes that you will know this character for many years. His experiences hurt his childhood, and he had a weapon once he was old enough to hold one. It means that he has been better throughout the years. You might think from the first appearance that he is quite cynical and better. However, you will see that it is just a result of age and experience. So, he will show you a very protective brotherly affection throughout the game.

The character was able to discover the location of a very notorious can. So, he will ask you to accompany him. Over there, you will find something that will make him angry. That is because all the recruits were humiliated and abused during their time in the camp. You will have to complete this matter of the cab. Next, allow the character to get revenge for all his friends and companions’ death. It is overall a very captivating storyline. So, we are sure that you will fall in love with the characters just as much as we did.

2. Vasco

Vasco - Greedfall

This is another companion in Greedfall, essentially the ship captain; he is considered one of the most mysterious and secretive characters among those who play the game. Likewise, he has a closed social circle. This character has an interesting back story because he was laid off on his arrival by an admiral. He seems to hate this and continuously has to remember that throughout his journey.

He had many regrets about his life if he had not been handed over to the other people when he was just a baby because he was born and raised over the sea. But even despite his questionable upgrading here still proud and loyal, especially to the people who had kidnapped him.


He also rises to the rank of captain who is brave at sea. Similarly, he was also a fan which means that he has a lot of experience when it comes to defense. It also does not take a lot to draw out his sword and fight in a battle.

He started at the thought of missing out on his life and have a regular one that most people have. He will ask you to find his brother in a search to reunite with his family during the gameplay.

You would also have to pull out this thoughtless character from many debt collectors so that he could finally meet his family and yet realize how much he appreciated his initial life. People also ask for your help eventually to accomplish a royalty mission that will involve finding out the sinking situation of one of the ships they have.

3. Siora

Siora - Greedfall

This character is one of the daughters of the queen in Greedfall. This character is specifically designed to be a proud young woman and is very attached to helping people, especially her mother, a princess. But you still have to keep in mind that she is curious about the rest of the world.

She wants to learn about the satellites and the ordinary people living in her surroundings as much as possible. She also comes with a profound knowledge of native culture and has a talent for magic that can be very helpful throughout the journey.

You will first need this character to do a cut scene in the video game as your party will approach the palace, after which she will officially join your party. The game will also give you a relationship guide to build trust and companionship with this character.

Enhance Relationship Reputation

The wait is worse because when you speak to her about the loss of a mother or mention leaving your mother, it will increase your relationship reputation to two units. When you talk to her about the lying missionaries in your surroundings, you can tell that it seems logical because of their culture. This will also increase your relationship level by two units.

Additionally, you can ask her what she intends to do next on her journey and tell her that you will understand anything if she ever needs to help her people. This will also increase your relationship by two units. Finally, you can side with her at the end of the question during the promise is set in a stone section of the video game that will increase your reputation by two units.

4. Petrus


This character is another companion in the Greedfall series who is essentially a missionary and has a remarkable way of using his talents and words to make him very ambitious. Another thing to note is that he specializes in both long and close-range combat while also wearing armor to protect himself in case of any battle.

The character is part of the original order of ministries, of which he was an outstanding representative. He grew up throughout the land for his intelligence. He is a man who is a skillful diplomat and a brilliant politician. So, he knows how to be flexible about his religious ideas to achieve his goals better and make people side with him.

He was also a diplomat for a few years in the uncle spot where he will know you as an only child. It is effortless to build trust with this character because he will show you good-heartedness and a kind of paternal kindness but will not hesitate to use his manipulator skills and intelligence to help you achieve your goals. He is also an expert in the whole domain of light magic.

One interesting thing to note about this companion is that this is the only combination in the video game you cannot romance and will join you on your journey during the old country is a new world first. As we have mentioned before, the character of will has known you since you were a baby even though you don’t remember him because you were so young. He is also a very devout follower of the ruthless relations project trying to convert all the tribes in the video game setting.

Divine Magical Powers

Another exciting thing about this character is that it can use all of its divine magical powers to fight from a distance while also using his intelligent capabilities to manipulate people. Still, he again can wear heavy armor that can allow him to shield himself. The heavy armor can also let him get close and personal with his enemies without worrying about his safety.

It has a special attack known as shadow burst in the video game that will shoot a large number of magical bolts out of his hands so that the target will be staggered.

This character is overall very charismatic and intelligent. He also has the friendship talent that will give your party access to all the different dialogue option so that you can convince people to do anything that you want or something that would not otherwise want to do.

5. Aphra


In the Greedfall series, and is a stellated scientist while also being a functioning member. She specializes in long-range combat and weaponry. Also, she is a very famous naturalist who joined the forces to help identify the many plants native to the island. Besides, she has the government’s full trust, who sent her to a small company research project.


She can attack from a great distance and cause a lot of destruction, but her isis leaves her in a very vulnerable position, especially if she meets with attackers. This is why you have to protect her at all costs from rushing attackers to maximize her effectiveness and battle.

She will also have the ability to throw around any bombs that can act as grenades and deal with massive damage whenever they fall on a specific area. Her friendship and unique talent will give you access to science and crafts and allow you to create your portions on your workbench.

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